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バートランド・ラッセル 権力 第3章 (松下 訳)- Power, 1938, by Bertrand Russell

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第3章 権力の形態 n.4 - ヒトラーのナチスに例えれば

 (前述の)イソップ(童話)の類推をヒトラーの台頭にあてはめてみよう。ニンジンナチス綱領(たとえば,利子の廃止も含む)にあたる(該当する)。ロバ下位の中産階級にあたる(注:interest 利子,利息を東宮氏は利権と訳出)羊(の群)羊を先導する者は,社会民主党員ヒンデンブルグにあたる(該当する)。は(「豚」と言っても,その不運な面に関してだけのことであるが)強制収容所に入れられて犠牲になった人々が該当し,芸のできる動物ナチスに敬礼をする幾百万(の民衆)が該当する。

Chapter III: The Forms of Power, n.4

Let us apply these Aesopian analogies to the rise of Hitler. The carrot was the Nazi programme (involving, e.g" the abolition of interest) ; the donkey was the lower middle class. The sheep and their leader were the Social Democrats and Hindenburg. The pigs (only so far as their misfortunes are concerned (misspeling: con-concerned) were the victims in concentration camps, and the performing animals are the millions who make the Nazi salute.
The most important organizations are approximately distinguishable by the kind of power that they exert. The army and the police exercise coercive power over the body; economic organizations, in the main, use rewards and puunishments as incentives and deterrents; schools, churches, and political parties aim at influencing opinion. But these distinctions are not very clear-cut, since every organization uses other forms of power in addition to the one which is most characteristic.
(掲載日:2017.04.11/更新日: )