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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル教育論 第二部_性格の教育_第9章 罰 - Bertrand Russell: On Education, 1926

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子供に対する罰(松下彰良 訳)

 以前は,またごく最近まで,幼い子供や少年少女を罰することは,当然のことと考えられ,教育においては必要不可欠なものであると一般にみなされていた。前の方の章(注:第一章)でアーノルド博士がムチ打ちをどう考えていたかを見たが,博士の意見は,当時としては,例外的に,人道的なものであった。ルソーと言えば,物事を自然にまかせよ(注:「自然に帰れ!」)という説を連想するが,しかし,『エミール』の中においては,ときどき,とても厳しい罰を与えること擁護している。百年ほど前のこの伝統的な見解は,『教訓物語(Cautionary Tales for Children,1907, by Hilaire Belloc のことか? 国書刊行会から『子供のための教訓詩集』として邦訳が出されている。)の一つに描かれている。その中で,ある少女が,ピンクの帯(sash)をしめたいのに,白い帯をしめさせられて大騒ぎしている。

Pt.2 Education of Character - Chap.9 Punishment

In former days, and until very recently, the punishment of children and boys and girls was taken as a matter of course, and was universally regarded as indispensable in education. We have seen in an earlier chapter what Dr. Arnold thought about flogging, and his views were, at the time, exceptionally humane. Rousseau is associated with the theory of leaving things to nature, yet in Emile he occasionally advocates quite severe punishments. The conventional view, a hundred years ago, is set forth in one of the Cautionary Tales, in which a little girl makes a fuss because they are putting on her white sash when she wants her pink one.
Papa, who in the parlour heard
Her make the noise and rout,
That instant went to Caroline,
To whip her, there's no doubt.
When Mr. Fairchild found his children quarrelling he caned them, making the cane keep time to the verse "Let dogs delight to bark and bite." He then took them to see a corpse hanging in chains on a gibbet. The little boy was frightened, and begged to be taken home, as the chains rattled in the wind. But Mr. Fairchild compelled him to look for a long time, saying that this spectacle showed what happened to those who had hatred in their hearts. The child was destined to become a clergyman, and presumably had to be taught to depict the terrors of the damned with the vividness of one who has experienced them.
Nowadays, few people would advocate such methods, even in Tennessee. But there is considerable divergence of opinion as to what should take their place. Some people still advocate a fair amount of punishment, while others consider that it is possible to dispense with punishment altogether. There is room for many shades between these two extremes.

(掲載日:2015.04.22/更新日: )