所有欲の良い面と悪い面(松下彰良 訳)
議論がこのように対立している場合,私たちは,明確な方針を打ち出すことはできないが,大部分は,環境と子供の性質に導かれなければならない。それでも,実際面でこれらの対立意見を調整する方法について,多少のことは言うことができる。 |
Pt.2 Education of Character - Chap. 7: Selfishness and propertyClosely connected with justice is the sense of property. This is a difficult matter, which must be dealt with by adaptable tact, not by any rigid set of rules. There are, in fact, conflicting considerations, which make it difficult to take a clear line. On the one hand, the love of property produces many terrible evils in later years ; the fear of losing valued material possessions is one of the main sources of political and economic cruelty. It is desirable that men and women should, as far as possible, find their happiness in ways which are not subject to private ownership, i.e. in creative rather than defensive activities. For this reason, it is unwise to cultivate the sense of property in children if it can be helped. But before proceeding to act upon this view, there are some very strong arguments on the other side, which it would be dangerous to neglect. In the first place, the sense of property is very strong in children ; it develops as soon as they can grasp objects which they see (the hand-eye co-ordination). What they grasp, they feel is theirs, and they are indignant if it is taken away. We still speak of a property as a "holding", and "maintenance" means "holding in the hand". These words show the primitive connection between property and grasp ; so does the word "grasping". A child which has no toys of its own will pick up sticks or broken bricks or any odds and ends it may find, and will treasure them as its very own. The desire for property is so deep-seated that it cannot be thwarted without danger. Moreover, property cultivates carefulness and curbs the impulse of destruction. Especially useful is property in anything that the child has made himself ; if this is not permitted, his constructive impulses are checked.Where the arguments are so conflicting, we cannot adopt any clear-cut policy, but must be guided to a great extent by circumstances and the child's nature. Nevertheless, something can be said as to the means of reconciling these opposites in practice. |
(掲載日:2015.04.11/更新日: )