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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル教育論 第二部_性格の教育_第5章_遊びと空想 - Bertrand Russell On Education, 1926(松下 訳)

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遊びと空想 - 真理と事実とを混同すること

 それは非常に結構であるが,そのことと子供を食べる巨人や,妻の首をはねる青びげとはどういうかかわりがあるのか,とあなた(読者)は言われるかもしれない。天国には,こんなものが存在することになっているのか。想像力というものは,何かよい目的に役立つためには,まず,純化され高尚なものにしてはいけないのか? 平和主義者のあなたは,自分の無邪気な子供が人間の生命を奪うことを考えて大いに楽しむのをどうして許しておけるのか。人類は野蛮な本能を脱皮しなければいけないが,そういう野蛮な本能から得られる喜びをあなたはどうして正当化できるのか。読者はこのように感じておられるのではないか。この問題は重要である。そこで,私がなぜ(一般的な考え方と)異なった見解を固守するのかを述べてみよう。

Pt.2 Education of Character - Chap. 5: Play and fancy

It is a dangerous error to confound truth with matter-of-fact. Our life is governed not only by facts, but by hopes ; the kind of truthfulness which sees nothing but facts is a prison for the human spirit. Dreams are only to be condemned when they are a lazy substitute for an effort to change reality; when they are an incentive, they are fulfilling a vital purpose in the incarnation of human ideals. To kill fancy in childhood is to make a slave to what exists, a creature tethered to earth and therefore unable to create heaven.
This is all very well, you may say, but what has it to do with giants eating children, or Bluebeard cutting off his wives' heads? Are these things to exist in your heaven? Must not imagination be purified and ennobled before it can serve any good purpose? How can you, a pacifist, allow your innocent boy to revel in the thought of destroying human life? How can you justify a pleasure derived from instincts of savagery which the human race must outgrow? All this I imagine the reader has been feeling. The matter is important, and I will try to state why I hold to a different point of view.
Education consists in the cultivation of instincts, not in their suppression.

(掲載日:2015.03.24/更新日: )