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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル教育論 第二部_性格の教育_第4章_恐怖心 - Bertrand Russell On Education, 1926

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海に対する恐怖(松下彰良 訳)

 二番目の事例は,これほど計画的なものではなかった。ある日,私と息子(当時三歳四ケ月)が散歩しているときに,行く先に一匹の毒ヘビを見つけた。息子は,ヘビの絵(pictures 写真?)を見たことはあったが,本物のヘビは一匹もそれまで見たことがなかった。息子は,ヘビが噛み付くことを知らなかった。彼はその毒ヘビを見つけ大喜びし,ヘビがすべるように逃げると,走って追いかけた。つかまえられないのはわかっていたので,私は止めもしなければ,ヘビが危険であることも言わなかった。けれども,息子の保母は,その時以降ずっと,ヘビがいるかもしれないという理由で,長い草が生えているところを走るのを禁止した。その結果,息子の中に恐怖心が少しわいてきたが,私たちが望ましいと思っている程度を越えるものではなかった。

Pt.2 Education of Character - Chap. 4: Fear

The second illustration was less deliberate. One day when I was walking with the boy (at the age of three years and four months) we found an adder on the path. He had seen pictures of snakes, but had never before seen a real snake. He did not know that snakes bite. He was delighted with the adder, and when it glided away he ran after it. As I knew he could not catch it, I did not check him, and did not tell him that snakes are dangerous. His nurse, however, from that time on, prevented him from running in long grass, on the ground that there might be snakes. A slight fear grew up in him as a result, but not more than we felt to be desirable.
The most difficult fear to overcome so far has been fear of the sea. Our first attempt to take the boy into the sea was at the age of two and a half. At first, it was quite impossible. He disliked the cold of the water, he was frightened by the noise of the waves, and they seemed to him to be always coming, never going. If the waves were big, he would not even go near to the sea. This was a period of general timidity : animals, odd noises, and various other things, caused alarm. We dealt with fear of the sea piecemeal. We put the boy into shallow pools away from the sea, until the mere cold had ceased to be a shock ; at the end of the four warm months, he enjoyed paddling in shallow water at a distance from waves, but still cried if we put him into deep pools where the water came up to his waist. We accustomed him to the noise of the waves by letting him play for an hour at a time just out of sight of them ; then we took him to where he could see them, and made him notice that after coming in they go out again. All this, combined with the example of his parents and other children, only brought him to the point where he could be near the waves without fear. I am convinced that the fear was instinctive; I am fairly certain there had been no suggestion to cause it. The following summer, at the age of three and a half, we took the matter up again. There was still a terror of going actually into the waves. After some unsuccessful coaxing, combined with the spectacle of everybody else bathing, we adopted old-fashioned methods. When he showed cowardice, we made him feel that we were ashamed of him ; when he showed courage, we praised him warmly. Every day for about a fortnight, we plunged him up to the neck in the sea, in spite of his struggles and cries.(note: The method adopted with me at the same age was to pick me up by the heels and hold my head under water for some time. This method, oddly enough, succeeded in making me like the water ; nevertheless I do not recommend it.) Every day they grew less ; before they ceased, he began to ask to be put in. At the end of a fortnight, the desired result had been achieved: he no longer feared the sea. From that moment, we left him completely free, and he bathed of his own accord whenever the weather was suitable -- obviously with the greatest enjoyment. Fear had not ceased altogether, but had been partly repressed by pride. Familiarity, however, made the fear grow rapidly less, and it has now ceased altogether. His sister, now twenty months old, has never shown any fear of the sea. and runs straight in without the slightest hesitation.

(掲載日:2015.03.3/更新日: )