さらに,飲食物の場合と同様に,欲求は禁じられることによって著しく刺激される。私は,朝食の時にリンゴは要らないと言っておきながら,まっすぐ家の外の果樹園に入って行ってリンゴを盗んだ子供を知っている。朝食のリンゴは熟しており,盗んだリンゴは熟していなかったけれどもである。 裕福なアメリカ人の間で,アルコールに対する欲求は,20年前よりもずっと強くなっていることは否めないように思われる。同様に,キリスト教の教えやキリスト教の権威は,性に対する興味関心をはなはだしく刺激した(のである)。それゆえ,因習的な教えを最初に信じなくなる世代は,肯定的にせよ,否定的にせよ,迷信的な教えの影響を受けていない性の見方をする人たちよりも,ずっと激しく性的自由にふける(耽溺する)にちがいない(注:禁制を解かれたことに対する反動によるもの。安藤訳では,「積極的にせよ,消極的にせよ」と訳されているが,「消極的に性にふける」というのはおかしいのではないか?)。性に対する過度の強迫観念を防ぐものは自由以外にないと思われるが,自由といえども,習慣化され,しかも,性的な事柄に関する賢明な教育と結びつかないかぎり,この効果を持つことはできないだろう。 |
Chapter XX: The Place of Sex among Human Values, n.3Such facts suggest that, if sex is not to be an obsession, it should be regarded by the moralists as food has come to be regarded, and not as food was regarded by the hermits of the Thebaid. Sex is a natural human need like food and drink. It is true that men can survive without it, whereas they cannot survive without food and drink, but from a psychological standpoint the desire for sex is precisely analogous to the desire for food and drink. It is enormously enhanced by abstinence, and temporarily allayed by satisfaction. While it is urgent, it shuts out the rest of the world from the mental purview. All other interests fade for the moment, and actions may be performed which will subsequently appear insane to the man who has been guilty of them. Moreover, as in the case of food and drink, the desire is enormously stimulated by prohibition. I have known children refuse apples at breakfast and go straight out into the orchard and steal them, although the breakfast apples were ripe and the stolen apples unripe. I do not think it can be denied that the desire for alcohol among well-to-do Americans is much stronger than it was twenty years ago. In like manner, Christian teaching and Christian authority have immensely stimulated interest in sex. The generation which first ceases to believe in the conventional teaching is bound, therefore, to indulge in sexual freedom to a degree far beyond what is to be expected of those whose views on sex are unaffected by superstitious teaching, whether positively or negatively. Nothing but freedom will prevent undue obsession with sex, but even freedom will not have this effect unless it has become habitual and has been associated with a wise education as regards sexual matters. |