子供は,最初,どういう種類の好奇心が許され,どういう種頬の好奇心が認められないのか(許されないのか)理解しない(わからない)。どのようにして赤ん坊が生まれるのかを聞くのが悪いのであれば,たぶん(for aught the child can tell),どのようにして飛行機が製造されるのかを聞くことも,同様に悪いのかもしれない。子供は,いずれにしても,科学的な好奇心は危険な衝動であり,チェックなしのまま(野放しのまま)ではいけない,という結論へと追い立てられる。何かを知ろうとする前に,これは道徳的なもの(知識)なのか,邪悪なもの(知識)なのか,と心配して問わなければならない。そして,性的な好奇心は,萎縮(性欲減退)してしまうまでは一般的に非常に強いものであるので,子供は,自分が欲する知識は悪いものであり,それに反して,道徳的な唯一の知識は,いかなる人間も決して欲しないいもの,たとえば,九九表のようなもの,のみである,という結論に導かれる。 知識の追求は,すべての健康な子供の自発的な衝動の一つであるが,このようにして,損なわれ,そうして,子供たちは人為的に愚かにさせられるのである。女性は,(現状では)平均して男性よりも愚かであることは否めないと思われるが,それは大部分,女性が若いころに一段と効果的に,性知識の追求を無理にやめさせられているという事実による,と私は信じている。 |
Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.6Before considering the effect of this attitude in the realm of sex, I should like to say a few words about its consequences in other directions. The first and gravest consequence, in my opinion, is the hampering of scientific curiosity in the young. Intelligent children wish to know about everything in the world ; they ask questions about trains and motor-cars and aeroplanes, about what makes rain and about what makes babies. All these curiosities are to the child on exactly the same level ; he is merely following what pavlov calls the "What-is-it?" reflex, which is the source of all scientific knowledge. When the child in pursuit of the desire for knowledge learns that this desire in certain directions is considered wicked, his whole impulse of scientific curiosity is checked. He does not at first understand what kinds of curiosity are permissible and what kinds are not : if it is wicked to ask how babies are made, it may, for aught the child can tell, be equally wicked to ask how aeroplanes are made. In any case he is driven to the conclusion that scientific curiosity is a dangerous impulse, which must not be allowed to remain unchecked. Before seeking to know anything, one must anxiously inquire whether this is a virtuous or a vicious kind of knowledge. And since sexual curiosity is generally very strong until it hast become atrophied, the child is led to the conclusion that knowledge which he desires is wicked, while the only virtuous knowledge is such as no human being could possibly desire--for example, the multiplication table. The pursuit of knowledge, which is one of the spontaneous impulses of all healthy children, is thus destroyed, and children are rendered artificially stupid. I do not think it can be denied that women are on the average stupider than men, and I believe this to be largely due to the fact that in youth they are more effectively choked off from the pursuit of sex knowledge. |