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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル『結婚論』 第4章 男根崇拝、禁欲主義および罪(松下彰良 訳) - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

Back(前ページ)  Forward (次ページ) 第4章イントロ索引 Contents(総目次)


 最初に断わっておかなければならないが、この種の態度の原因信念に求めるのは無益である。この種の信念は、まず第一に、気分によって引き起こされるにちがいない。確かに、ひとたびそれらの信念が生じた場合は、気分を -あるいは、少なくともその気分に応じた行為を- 永続化するかもしれない。しかし、この種の信念が性を否定する態度の根本原因になるなどということは、まずありそうにもない。そのような態度の主要な二つの原因は、私に言わせれば嫉妬と性的疲労である。

Chapter IV: Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin

It should be said to begin with that it is useless to look to beliefs as the source of this kind of attitude. Beliefs of this sort must be in the first place inspired by a mood; it is true that when once they exist they may perpetuate the mood, or at any rate actions in accordance with the mood, but it is hardly likely that they will be the prime causes of an anti-sexual attitude. The two main causes of such an attitude are, I should say, jealousy and sexual fatigue. Wherever jealousy is aroused, even if it be only faintly, the sexual act appears to us disgusting, and the appetite which leads to it loathsome. The purely instinctive man, if he could have his way, would have all women love him and him only; any love which they may give to other men inspires in him emotions which may easily pass into moral condemnation. Especially is this the case when the woman is his wife. One finds in Shakespeare, for example, that his men do not desire their wives to be passionate. The ideal woman, according to Shakespeare, is one who submits to her husband's embraces from a sense of duty, but would not think of having a lover, since sex in itself is disagreeable to her and is only endured because the moral law commands that it should be. The instinctive husband, when he finds that his wife has betrayed him, is filled with disgust against both her and her lover, and is apt to conclude that all sex is beastly. Especially will this be the case if he has become impotent through excess or old age. Since old men have in most societies more weight than the young, it is natural that the official and correct opinion on sexual matters should be not that of hot-headed youth.

(掲載日:2016.06.18/更新日: )