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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル『結婚論』 第4章 男根崇拝、禁欲主義および罪(松下 訳) - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

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 ウェスターマークは、彼の言うところの「性的関係が一般にそうであるように,結婚には何か不純で罪深いものがあるという奇妙な観念」( 出典:『人類婚姻史』p.151以下)の事例をたくさんあげている。キリスト教や仏教の影響をまったく受けていない、世界の大部分の多様な地域において、独身を誓った男女の司祭の修道会(orders)が存在してきた。ユダヤ人の間では、エッセネ派(の信徒)は性交はすべて不純なものだと考えていた。こういった見解は、古代においては、キリスト教に最も敵対した集団の間においてさえ広まっていたように思われる。実際,ローマ帝国においては、禁欲主義に向かう一般的傾向があった。エピキュロス派の快楽主義は、ほとんど死に絶え、教養あるギリシア人やローマ人の間では、ストア学派の禁欲主義がそれに取って代わった。

 聖書外典(注:Apocrypha : 聖書の正典に加えられなかった文書)の中の多くの節からは、女性に対するほとんど修道士的とも言うべき態度が伺える(見受けられる)のであり、旧約聖書のもっと古い本に見られるたくましい男性らしさ(力強さ)とは非常に異なっている。

Chapter IV: Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin

So far we have been considering pro-sexual elements in religion ; anti-sexual elements, however, existed side by side with the others from a very early time, and in the end, wherever Christianity or Buddhism prevailed, these elements won a complete victory over their opposites. Westermarck gives many instances of what he calls "the curious notion that there is something impure and sinful in marriage, as in sexual relations generally". (History of Human Marriage, pp. l5I ff.) In the most diverse parts of the world, quite remote from any Christian or Buddhist influence, there have been orders of priests and priestesses vowed to celibacy.
Among the Jews the sect of the Essenes considered all sexual intercourse impure. This view seems to have gained ground in antiquity even in the circles most hostile to Christianity. There was indeed a general tendency towards asceticism in the Roman Empire. Epicureanism nearly died out and stoicism replaced it among cultivated Greeks and Romans. Many passages in the Apocrypha suggest an almost monkish attitude towards women, very different from the robust virility of the older books of the Old Testament. The neo-Platonists were almost as ascetic as the Christians. From Persia the doctrine that matter is evil spread to the West, and brought with it the belief that all sexual intercourse is impure. This is, though not in an extreme form, the view of the Church, but I do not wish to consider the Church until the next chapter. What is evident is that in certain circumstances men are led spontaneously to a horror of sex, and this when it arises is quite as much a natural impulse as the more usual attraction towards sex. It is necessary to take account of it and to understand it psychologically if we are to be able to judge what kind of sexual system is most likely to satisfy human nature.

(掲載日:2016.06.17/更新日: )