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バートランド・ラッセル 幸福論 第11章 熱意 22-02 - The Conquest of Happiness, by Bertrand Russell

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いろいろな熱意の形態(松下彰良 訳)

 昔々あるところに,ブタをこれ以上ないほど美味しいソーセージに変えるために精巧に組み立てられた,2台の'ソーセージ製造機'がありました。そのうちの1台は,'ブタヘの熱意'を持ち続け,無数のソーセージを製造しました。もう一台の製造機は,こう言いました。「私にとって,ブタがなんだっていうんだ。私の'仕掛け'のほうが,いかなるブタよりもずっと興味深いし,すばらしい。」 彼はブタの受け入れを拒否し,自分の内部の研究をするための仕事にとりかかりました。自然の食物を失うと,彼の内部は機能しなくなり,研究すればするほど,自分の内部は空虚でおろかであると思われるようになりました。(すると)それまで(ブタをおいしいソーセージに)素晴らしい変換を行ってきた精巧な装置はすべて,止まってしまい,自分はいったい何ができるのかと思い,彼は途方にくれてしまいました。



There were once upon a time two sausage machines, exquisitely constructed for the purpose of turning pig into the most delicious sausages.  One of these retained his zest for pig and produced sausages innumerable; the other said: 'What is pig to me? My own works are far more interesting and wonderful than any pig.' He refused pig and set to work to study his inside. When bereft of its natural food, his inside ceased to function, and the more he studied it, the more empty and foolish it seemed to him to be. All the exquisite apparatus by which the delicious transformation had hitherto been made stood still, and he was at a loss to guess what it was capable of doing. This second sausage machine was like the man who has lost his zest, while the first was like the man who has retained it. The mind is a strange machine which can combine the materials offered to it in the most astonishing ways, but without materials from the external world it is powerless, and unlike the sausage machine it must seize its materials for itself, since events only become experiences through the interest that we take in them: if they do not interest us, we are making nothing of them. The man, therefore, whose attention is turned within finds nothing worthy of his notice, whereas the man whose attention is turned outward can find within, in those rare moments when he examines his soul, the most varied and interesting assortment of ingredients being dissected and recombined into beautiful or instructive patterns.
The forms of zest are innumerable. Sherlock Holmes, it may be remembered, picked up a hat which he happened to find lying in the street. After looking at it for a moment he remarked that its owner had come down in the world as the result of drink, and that his wife was no longer so fond of him as she used to be. Life could never be boring to a man to whom casual objects offered such a wealth of interest. Think of the different things that may be noticed in the course of a country walk. One man may be interested in the birds, another in the vegetation, another in the geology, yet another in the agriculture, and so on. Any one of these things is interesting if it interests you, and, other things being equal, the man who is interested in any one of them is a man better adapted to the world than the man who is not interested.
How extraordinarily different, again, are the attitudes of different people to their fellow-men. One man, in the course of a long train journey, will fail entirely to observe any of his fellow travellers while another will have summed them all up, analysed their characters, made a shrewd guess at their circumstances, and perhaps even ascertained the most secret histories of several of them. People differ just as much in what they feel towards others as in what they ascertain about them. Some men find almost everybody boring, others quickly and easily develop a friendly feeling towards those with whom they are brought in contact, unless there is some definite reason for feeling otherwise. Take again such a matter as travel: some men will travel through many countries, going always to the best hotels, eating exactly the same food as they would eat at home, meeting the same idle rich whom they would meet at home, conversing on the same topics upon which they converse at their own dinner-table. When they return, their only feeling is one of relief at having done with the boredom of expensive locomotion . Other men, wherever they go, see what is characteristic, make the acquaintance of people who typify the locality, observe whatever is of interest either historically or socially, eat the food of the country, learn its manners and its language, and come home with a new stock of pleasant thoughts for winter evenings.
