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バートランド・ラッセル 幸福論 第2部「幸福をもたらすもの」第10章 21-04 - The Conquest of Happiness, by Bertrand Russell

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* 牧野富太郎(1862~1957):小学校中退だが,65歳で東京大学から理学博士の学位を授与された。1953年東京都名誉都民,95歳で死去,没後文化勲章授与。「牧野日本植物図鑑」は有名。牧野富太郎記念館/因みに,松下は小学校時代に牧野富太郎の伝記(集英社発行?)を読んでいる。

自分を活かせる仕事(松下彰良 訳)


オリジナル普及版 牧野日本植物圖鑑 [ 牧野富太郎 ]
価格:5,060円(税込、送料無料) (2024/11/6時点)


I do not wish to suggest, however, that these high-flown kinds of happiness are the only possible ones. They are in fact open only to a minority, since they require a kind of ability and a width of interest which cannot be very common. It is not only eminent scientists who can derive pleasure through work, nor is it only leading statesmen who can derive pleasure through advocacy of a cause. The pleasure of work is open to anyone who can develop some specialised skill, provided that he can get satisfaction from the exercise of his skill without demanding universal applause. I knew a man who had lost the use of both legs in early youth, but he had remained serenely happy throughout a long life; he had achieved this by writing a work in five volumes on rose blight, on which I always understood he was the leading expert. I have not had the pleasure of knowing any large number of conchologists, but from those who have I have always understood that the study of shells brings contentment to those who engage in it. I knew a man once who was the best compositor in the world, and was sought out by all those who devoted themselves to inventing artistic types; he derived joy, not so much from the very genuine respect in which he was held by persons whose respect was not lightly bestowed, as from the actual delight in the exercise of his craft, a delight not wholly unlike that which good dancers derive from dancing. I have known also compositors who were experts in setting up mathematical type, or Nestorian script, or cuneiform, or anything else that was out of the way and difficult. I did not discover whether these men's private lives were happy, but in their working hours their constructive instincts were fully gratified.
