'帯状疱疹'の発症(松下彰良 訳)
私は,CND(核兵器撤廃運動)を引き続き支持しているということを示すために,(1961年の)三月の半ばと四月の半ばに,再び,バーミンガム青年CNDで演説をした。このような演説の一つが,当時の首相(注:保守党のハロルド・マクミラン卿)についての私のある発言が騒動を起こした。その私の発言は,発言の文脈を無視して,新聞に幅広く引用された。文脈上,その発言は,その前の議論への Q.E.D (Quod erat demonstrandum: 証明終わり/幾何などの証明問題の解答末尾に書き加える'決まり文句')にすぎなかった。不幸にしてその騒動が起こった頃には,私は病気にかかっており,何週間も自分の弁護をすることができず,そうしようと思っても遅すぎてどうにもならなかった。私はまた,オールダーマストン平和行進(Aldermaston March:オールダーマストンには核兵器研究所がある。)の最後にトラファルガー広場の集会で演説をした。 3月末に向けて,私は,『常識と核戦争』(Common Sense and Nclear Warfare, 1959)で扱った主題を進め,またその一部を敷衍して,核問題と軍縮に関する新しい本を執筆することについて,ペンギン・ブックス(社)と打ち合わせをし,続いてペンギン・ブックス(社)は私のいつもの出版者であるスタンレイ・アンウィン卿(Allen and Unwin 社のオーナー)と打ち合わせ(取り決め)を行なった。この新しい本は『人類に未来はあるか?』 (Has Man a Future?)という書名がつけられることになった。私は直ちにその本の執筆を開始した。しかし執筆は,私がロンドンで行なった一連の録音と,バーミンガムでの2回の集会と,それから,しばらくの間いかなる仕事をすることを妨げる非常に悪性の'帯状疱疹'の発症によって中断させられた。しかし,私はその回復期に,この新しい本のかなり多くの分量を執筆した。そして原稿締切りぎりぎりに間に合うように書き終えた。その本は,秋に出版された。 |
v.3,chap.3: Trafalgar Square The demonstration was much more auspicious than we had any right to expect. During the next months the fortunes of the Commnittee prospered. Branch Committees were established about the country and in some foreign countries; and some countries developed their own Committees. All the correspondence entailed by this activity and by the necessary printing and dissemination of 'literature' (leaflets, statements, etc.) not to speak of the need to keep some kind of office, cost a good deal. This, of course, as it always does in any organisation without fixed membership or dues, meant much line wasted in raising funds. Nevertheless, and owing to the generous and often self-sacrificing voluntary efforts of many people, the Committee grew in strength. To show my continued support of the CND, I spoke to the Youth CND of Birmingham in mid-March and again in mid-April. One of these speeches caused turmoil because of a remark that I made about our then Prime Minister. The remark was widely quoted out of context by the press. In context, it is merely a Q.E.D to the preceding argument. Unfortunately, by the time the uproar had broken, I had fallen ill and was unable to defend myself for some weeks, too late to cut any ice. I spoke, also, at the meeting in Trafalgar Square at the end of the Aldermaston March. Towards the end of March, I had arranged with Penguin Books, who, in turn had arranged with my usual publisher, Sir Stanley Unwin, to write a further book for them on nuclear matters and disarmament, carrying on my Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare and expanding parts of it. The new book was to be called Has Man a Future ? and I began work on it at once. But it was interrupted by a series of recordings that I made in London and by the two Birmingham meetings and then by a very bad bout of shingles which prevented my doing any work whatsoever for some time. But during my convalescence I wrote a good deal of the new book, and it was finished in time to meet its first deadline. It was published in the autumn. |