パグウォッシュ科学者会議(松下彰良 訳)
その会議はパグウォッシュ科学者会議と名付けられた。そしてその運動(注:核兵器の危険を明らかにし,戦争のない世界を実現する運動)は,パグウォッシュ会議との密接な関連を示すため,パグウォッシュ運動という名称で以後ずっと呼ばれるようになった。(第1回)パグウォッシュ会議において,特筆すべきは,パグウォッシュ会議を以後組織化(開催準備)するために,5人の委員からなり私が委員長を務める'継続委員会'を設置したことである。より重要なことは,それ以後の会議が踏襲する一つの'形'をつくったことであった。何度も全員出席の会議(plenary meetings)が開かれ,重要な文書が読み上げられた。会議スタート時点に設置された小委員会の会議が,もっとずっと頻繁に開催された。小委員会においては,一般的主題のなかの個別の問題(particular aspects)について議論され,決議された。とりわけ重要なことは,諸会議が友好的な雰囲気で開かれたということである。このパグウォッシュ第1回会議とそれに続く会議のユニークな特徴は,多分,予定された会議と同様,会議のない暇の時間に,お互いが交流したということであり,また,お互いを単にあれやこれやの敵対的な信条や異なる民族に属する科学者としてではなく,ひとりの人間として知り合うようになったことであろう。この最も重要な特徴は,大部分,現状についての,また私達たち成し遂げたいと願っていたことについてのサイラス・イートンの機敏な理解,それからイートン氏のまったく如才ない親切なもてなしとによって可能となった。 |
v.3,chap.2: At home and abroad But to return to Pugwash - I was kept in close touch by letter and telephone with the proceedings of the first conference and was pleased with what I heard. We had decided that not only physicists but biological and social scientists should be invited to attend. There were twenty-two participants in all - from the United States, the Soviet Union, China, Poland, Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Great Britain, and Japan. The meetings were carried on in both English and Russian. It pleased me especially that it showed that real cooperation such as we had hoped, could be achieved among scientists of extremely divergent 'ideologies' and apparently opposing scientific as well as other views. The conference was called the Pugwash Conerence of Scientists and for the sake of continuity the movement has continued to be identified by the name Pugwash. It established among other things a 'Continuing Committee' of five members of which I was the Chairman to organise further conferences. More important, it established a form that future conferences followed. A number of plenary meetings were held at which important papers were read. There were a greater number of meetings of the small committees set up at the start, at which particular aspects of the general subjects were discussed and decided. Most important of all, it was held in an atomosphere of friendliness. Perhaps the unique characteristic of this and subsequent Pugwash Conferences was the fact that the members consorted with each other in their spare time as well as during the scheduled meetings and grew to know each other as human beings rather than merely as scientists of this or that potentially inimical belief or nation. This most important characteristic was in large part made possible by the astute understanding by Cyrus Eaton of the situation and what we wished to accomplish and by his tactful hospitality. |