第2巻第4章 再婚(承前)
けれども,テレグラフ・ハウスは,兄にとって楽しかったとばかり言えない,いくつかの出来事を連想させるものがあったに違いない。彼は当初この家を,ミス・モリスとの'逢瀬'を楽しむ'隠れ家'として手に入れた。兄は,もし最初の妻(Mary Edith Scott)と離婚できたならば,ぜひ彼女と結婚したいと長い間望んでいた。けれども,ミス・モリスは,後に兄の二度目の妻になったモリーという女性のために,彼の'愛情の対象'から追い出されてしまった。そうしてそのモリーのおかげで彼は,重婚罪を犯したということで同じ貴族仲間から強く非難され,'投獄'の憂き目にあった。モリーのことで,彼は最初の妻から離婚させられた。彼は(米国ネバダ州の)リノで離婚の手続きをし,ただちにそのリノでモリーと結婚した(注:ネバダ州の Reno は簡単な手続きで離婚ができるということで,当時,世界的に有名であったらしい。)彼は英国に戻ると,英国の法律では,リノでの結婚の合法性を認めるがリノでの離婚は認めないという理由で,モリーとの結婚は'重婚'と見なされる,ということがわかった。彼が再婚したその妻は非常にふとっていて,普段,縁色のコールテンのニッカ・ボッカ(注:膝の下で締めるゆるい半ズボン)をはいていた。テレグラフ・ハウスで彼女が花壇にかがんでいる後姿を眺める時,はたして,彼女のために彼が味わなければならなかった苦労に値するだけの女性であると兄が考えていたのだろうかと,いつも人に疑いをもたせた。
エリザベス(Elizabeth von Arnim, 1866-1941)は,彼女の方から兄のもとを去り,『ヴェラ』という題の,実に我慢ならないほど残酷な小説を書いた。この小説では,ヴェラは彼の妻であったが既に亡くなっている。彼女を失って彼は悲嘆にくれているということになっている。彼女は,テレグラフ・ハウスの塔の窓から落ちて死亡した。小説を読み進めると,読者はしだいに,彼女の死は事故死ではなく,兄の冷酷さのためにひき起こされた自殺であるように推理させられるようになる。こういうことがあったので私は子供たちに,特に力をこめてこう忠告をせざるを得なかった。即ち,「小説家とは結婚するな!」
v.2,chap.4: Second Marriage
The house must, however, have had for him some associations not wholly pleasant. He had acquired it originally as a discreet retreat where he could enjoy the society of Miss Morris, whom, for many years, he hoped to marry if he could ever get free from his first wife. Miss Morris, however, was ousted from his affections by Molly, the lady who became his second wife, for whose sake he suffered imprisonment after being condemned by his Peers for bigamy. For Molly's sake he had been divorced from his first wife. He became divorced in Reno and immediately thereupon married Molly, again at Reno. He returned to England and found that British law considered his marriage to Molly bigamous on the ground that British law acknowledges the validity of Reno marriages, but not of Reno divorces. His second wife, who was very fat, used to wear green corduroy knickerbockers; the view of her from behind when she was bending over a flower-bed at Telegraph House used to make one wonder that he had thought her worth what he had gone through for her sake.
Her day, like Miss Morris's, came to an end, and he fell in love with Elizabeth. Molly, from whom he wished to be divorced, demanded £400 a year for life as her price; after his death, I had to pay this. She died at about the age of ninety.
Elizabeth, in her turn, left him and wrote an intolerably cruel novel about him, called Vera. In this novel, Vera is already dead; she had been his wife, and he is supposed to be heart-broken at the loss of her. She died by falling out of one of the windows of the tower of Telegraph House. As the novel proceeds, the reader gradually gathers that her death was not an accident, but suicide brought on by my brother's cruelty. It was this that caused me to give my children an emphatic piece of advice: "Do not marry a novelist."