* 右欄イラスト出典:B. Russell's The Good Citizen's Alphabet, 1953. 注:'Bolshevik = Anyone whose opinion I disagree with' は,ラッセルが「共産主義者は嫌いだ」といっているのではなく,「自分と意見が違う相手に対しては,'あいつは赤だ(共産主義者だ)!'と,(よく考えずに簡単に)多くの人が言うものだ」,という皮肉。 * ロシア革命とは(学研キッズネット) 第2巻第2章 ロシア(承前)
From Petrograd we went to Moscow, which is a very beautiful city, and architecturally more interesting than Petrograd because of the Oriental influence. I was amused by various small ways in which Bolshevik love of mass-production showed itself. The main meal of the day occurred at about four o'clock in the afternoon, and contained among other ingredients the heads of fishes. I never discovered what happened to their bodies, though I suppose they were eaten by the peoples' Komissars. The river Moskwa was chock full of fish, but people were not allowed to catch them, as no up-to-date mechanical method had yet been found to supersede the rod and line. The city was almost starving, but it was felt that fishes' heads, caught by trawlers, were better than fishes' bodies caught by primitive methods. |