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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 自伝 第1巻第5章 - イタリア旅行(松下彰良 訳)- The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ 第1巻 第5章(初婚)累積版 総目次
* 右写真出典:R. Clark's B. Russell and His World, 1981.

 春が訪れると(ラッセル夫妻は,1985年の1~3月までベルリンに滞在しているので,1895年の4月頃か?),私たちは(イタリアの)フィエーゾレ(Fiesole)に行って,アリスの姉のところに滞在した。彼女は(Fiesole の近くの I Tatti イ・タッティの)小さな別荘に住んでおり,一方,ベレンソンは,すぐ隣りの,小さな別荘に住んでいた。彼女のとこを去ってから,私たちは,アドリア海の沿岸を南に向かって旅を続け,ペーザロ(Pesaro),ウルビーノ(Urbino),ラヴェンナ(Ravenna),リミニ(Rimini),アンコーナ(Ancona),その他,いろんなところに滞在した。この旅行は,私の生涯で最も楽しかった時期として,思い出に残っている。イタリア,春,それから初恋,それらが一緒になれば,多分,最も憂欝に沈んだ人間をも幸福にするに十分だろう。私たちは,よく裸で海水浴をし,体を乾かすために砂の上に横になった。しかし,これはいくらか危いスポーツであり,遅かれ早かれ,塩税を払わずに(無視して)海から塩をとる者がいないか見るために,よく警官がまわって来るのであった。私たちは,幸い,一度も捕まったことはなかった(冗談)。

When the spring came, we went to Fiesole and stayed with Alys's sister, who lived in a small villa, while Berenson lived next door in another small villa. After leaving her, we travelled down the Adriatic coast, staying at Pesaro, Urbino, Ravenna, Rimini, Ancona, and various other places. This remains in my memory as one of the happiest times of my life. Italy and the spring and first love all together should suffice to make the gloomiest person happy. We used to bathe naked in the sea, and lie on the sand to dry, but this was a somewhat perilous sport, as sooner or later a policeman would come along to see that no one got salt out of the sea in defiance of the salt tax. Fortunately we were never quite caught.
By this time, it was becoming necessary to think in earnest about my Fellowship dissertation, which had to be finished by August, so we settled down at Fernhurst, and I had my first experience of serious original work. There were days of hope alternating with days of despair, but at last, when my dissertation was finished, I fully believed that I had solved all philosophical questions connected with the foundations of geometry. I did not yet know that the hopes and despairs connected with original work are alike fallacious, that one's work is never so bad as it appears on bad days, nor so good as it appears on good days. My dissertation was read by Whitehead and James Ward, since it was in part mathematical and in part philosophical. Before the result was announced, Whitehead criticised it rather severely, though quite justly, and I came to the conclusion that it was worthless and that I would not wait for the result to be announced. However, as a matter of politeness I went to see James Ward, who said exactly the opposite, and praised it to the skies. Next day I learned that I had been elected a Fellow, and Whitehead informed me with a smjle that he had thought it was the last chance anyone would get of finding serious fault with my work.