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バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第1巻第2章 - 多数の家庭教師(松下彰良 訳)- The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ  第1巻 第2章(青年期)累積版  総目次
* 松下正寿「バートランド・ラッセルの宗教観」(←不可知論と無神論との関係・相違について)
* 右イラスト:第20回「ラッセルを読む会」(1981.05.24開催)案内状より


Until just before my sixteenth birthday, I was sometimes able to speak of some things to my tutors. Until that date I was educated at home, but my tutors seldom stayed more than three months. I did not know why this was, but I think it was because whenever a new tutor arrived, I used to induce him to enter into a conspiracy with me to deceive my people wherever their demands were absurd. One tutor I had was an agnostic, and used to allow me to discuss religion with him. I imagine that he was dismissed because this was discovered. The tutor whom my people liked best and who stayed the longest with me was a man dying of consumption whose breath stank intolerably. It never occurred to them it was unwise, from a health point of view, to have me perpetually in his neighbourhood.