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バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第1巻第1章 - 使用人達の想い出(松下彰良・訳) - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ 第1巻 第1章(幼少時代)累積版 総目次

日の名残り (ハヤカワepi文庫) [ カズオ・イシグロ ]
価格:1,012円(税込、送料無料) (2024/12/5時点)


 それからミショー(松下注:日高一輝氏は Michaud をミショウドと訳しておられるが,フランス人であるから,ミショーと訳すべきであろう。)というフランス人のコックがいた。彼女はかなり怖かったが,畏怖心をおこさせるような性格の持ち主であるにもかかわらず,私は,焼き肉用の肉が古風な焼き串に刺さって回転するのを見たり,また,砂糖よりも好きだった食塩の塊りを'塩入れ'からそっと盗み取ったりするために,台所にいくのを我慢することはできなかった。彼女は肉切り包丁を持って追いかけてきたものであるが,私はいつも容易に逃げおおせた。

During my early years at Pembroke Lodge the servants played a larger part in my life than the family did.
There was an old house-keeper named Mrs Cox who had been my grandmother's nursery-maid when my grandmother was a child. She was straight and vigorous and strict and devoted to the family and always nice to me.
There was a butler named MacAlpine who was very Scotch. He used to take me on his knee and read me accounts of railway accidents in the newspaper. As soon as I saw him I always climbed up on him and said: 'Tell me about an accident-happen.'
Then there was a French cook named Michaud, who was rather terrifying, but in spite of her awe-inspiring qualities I could not resist going to the kitchen to see the roast meat turning on the old-fashioned spit, and to steal lumps of salt, which I liked better than sugar, out of the salt box. She would pursue me with a carving knife, but I always escaped easily.
Out-of-doors there was a gardener named MacRobie of whom I remember little as he left when I was five years old, and the lodge-keeper and his wife, Mr and Mrs Singleton, of whom I was very fond, as they gave me baked apples and beer, both of which were strictly forbidden.
MacRobie was succeeded by gardener named Vidler, who informed me that the English are the lost Ten Tribes, though I do not think I quite believed him.