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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


ラッセル「ジョン・スチュアート・ミル」n.23 - ohn Stuart Mill, 1955

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There is one sphere in which the advocate of liberty is confronted with peculiar difficulties. I mean the sphere of education. It has never been thought that children should be free to choose whether they will be educated or not; and it is not now held that parents ought to have this freedom of choice. Mill thought that the State should insist that children should be educated, but should not itself do the educating. He had, however, not very much to say about how the educating should be done. I will try to consider what he would say on this subject if he were writing now.
Let us begin by asking the question of principle, namely, what should a lover of liberty wish to see done in the schools? I think the ideal but somewhat Utopian answer would be that the pupils should be qualified as far as possible to form a reasonable judgment on controversial questions in regard to which they are likely to have to act. This would require, on the one hand, a training in judicial habits of thought; and, on the other hand, access to impartial supplies of knowledge. In this way the pupil would be prepared for a genuine freedom of choice on becoming adult. We cannot give freedom to the child, but we can give him a preparation for freedom; and this is what education ought to do.