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バートランド・ラッセル「人類に害を与えてきた思想(16)」(松下彰良・訳) - Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946

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 すべて以上のようなことは,自ら(or 自分たち)を「素晴らしい(grand)」と感じる愉快なやり方である。我々は幸福であるためには,自尊心(うぬぼれ)に対するあらゆる支えが必要である。我々は人間だ,従って,人間が天地創造の目的である。また,我々はアメリカ人だ,従って,アメリカは神の国であるとか,我々は白人だ,従って,神は黒人であるハム族やその子孫を呪ったのだとか,我々はプロテスタント(あるいはカトリックだ,従って,カトリック(あるいはプロテスタン)は嫌悪すべき対象であるとか,我々は男性だ,従って,女性は理性的でない,あるいは私は女性だ,従って,男性は獣だとか,我々は東洋人だ,従って,西洋人は乱暴であり,毛むくじやであるとか,我々は西洋人だ,従って,東洋は衰退している,などという。(また)我々は頭脳で労働している,従って,重要なのは教育を受けた階級であるとか,あるいは、我々は手を使って労働している,従って,手を使った労働(筋肉労働/肉体労働)のみが尊厳である,とかいう。最後に,とりわけ,我々の各々が,我々は「自己」(ユニークな自己を持つ存在)であるという,まったく独自の長所を一つもっている。以上のような心慰める内省(熟考)をいだいて,我々は,外に出て世間(世界)と闘かうのであり,そのような内省がなければ,吾々の勇気は挫けるかもしれないのである。現状のままでは,そのような内省がなければ,我々は,平等という感情を学んでいないので,劣等感を感じることだろう。もしも我々が,自分は隣人と平等であり,彼等に優越するものでも劣るものでもない,ということを真に感じることができるならば,恐らく,人生はより闘争的でなくなるだろうし,また空元気(Dutch courage)を出すために自分たちを酔わせるような神話を必要とする度合はより少なくなるであろう。

Pride of creed is another variety of the same kind of feeling. When I had recently returned from China I lectured on that country to a number of women's clubs in America. There was always one elderly woman who appeared to be sleeping throughout the lecture, but at the end would ask me, somewhat portentously, why I had omitted to mention that the Chinese, being heathen, could of course have no virtues. I imagine that the Mormons of Salt Lake City must have had a similar attitude when non-Mormons were first admitted among them. Throughout the Middle Ages, Christians and Mohammedans were entirely persuaded of each other's wickedness and were incapable of doubting their own superiority.
All these are pleasant ways of feeling 'grand'. In order to be happy we require all kinds of supports to our self-esteem. We are human beings, therefore human beings are the purpose of creation. We are Americans, therefore America is God's own country. We are white, and therefore God cursed Ham and his descendants who were black. We are Protestant or Catholic, as the case may be, therefore Catholics or Protestants, as the case may be, are an abomination. We are male, and therefore women are unreasonable; or female, and therefore men are brutes. We are Easterners, and therefore the West is wild and woolly; or Westerners, and therefore the East is effete. We work with our brains, and therefore it is the educated classes that are important; or we work with our hands, and therefore manual labor alone gives dignity. Finally, and above all, we each have one merit which is entirely unique, we are Ourself. With these comforting reflections we go out to do battle with the world; without them our courage might fail. Without them, as things are, we should feel inferior because we have not learnt the sentiment of equality. If we could feel genuinely that we are the equals of our neighbors, neither their betters nor their inferiors, perhaps life would become less of a battle, and we should need less in the way of intoxicating myth to give us Dutch courage.
(掲載日:2015.08.25 更新日:)