我々の時代(現代)においては,神の剣(神剣)はマルクス主義者の掌中にぎられるている。ヘーゲルは,運命論的な論理を伴った弁証法が,ドイツに至高の位置を与えていると考えた。マルクスは言った。(至高の位置を与えられているのは)「ドイツにではなく,プロレタリア階級にである」と。この教義は,「選民」や「あきらかな使命(あきらかな神意)」といったそれ以前の教義に親近性がある。運命論的な性格を有するその教義(注:マルクス主義)は,対立者の闘争を運命にさからう闘争とみなし,そうして賢明な人間はできるだけ早く勝利を得る側につく(身を置く)だろう,と論じた。これが,その議論が政治的に役に立つものとなる理由である。それに対する唯一の異議は,理性的な人間なら誰も主張しない(no rational man can lay claim)ところの神の目的についての知識をその教義は当然のこととしていることであり,また,その目的なるものを達成するに際に,もし我々の綱領がただ単に世俗的起源をもつにすぎないとすれば断罪されるような冷酷な残酷性を,その立場(マルクス主義)が正当化していることである。神が我々の側(味方)だ,と知っている(承知している)ことは気持がよいが,敵もまた同様に逆に自分たちこそそのことを知っていると確信している,ということがわかれば,少し事は面倒である。第一次世界大戦中に,某詩人(注: Ernst Lissaue, 1882-1937/ エルンスト・リサウアー)が書いた不滅の数行を引用しよう。 (ドイツ)の神(Gott)は英国を罰し(strafe), |
One of the most interesting and harmful delusions to which men and nations can be subjected, is that of imagining themselves special instruments of the Divine Will. We know that when the Israelites invaded the Promised Land it was they who were fulfilling the Divine Purpose, and not the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizites, the Hivites, or the Jebbusites. Perhaps if these others had written long history books the matter might have looked a little different. In fact, the Hittites did leave some inscriptions, from which you would never guess what abandoned wretches they were. It was discovered, 'after the fact', that Rome was destined by the gods for the conquest of the world. Then came Islam with its fanatical belief that every soldier dying in battle for the True Faith went straight to a Paradise more attractive than that of the Christians, as houris are more attractive than harps. Cromwell was persuaded that he was the Divinely appointed instrument of justice for suppressing Catholics and malignants. Andrew Jackson was the agent of Manifest Destiny in freeing North America from the incubus of Sabbath-breaking Spaniards. In our day, the sword of the Lord has been put into the hands of the Marxists. Hegel thought that the Dialectic with fatalistic logic had given supremacy to Germany. 'No,'said Marx,'not to Germany,but to the Proletariat'. This doctrine has kinship with the earlier doctrines of the Chosen People and Manifest Destiny. In its character of fatalism it has viewed the struggle of opponents as one against destiny, and argued that therefore the wise man would put himself on the winning side as quickly as possible. That is why this argument is such a useful one politically. The only objection to it is that it assumes a knowledge of the Divine purposes to which no rational man can lay claim, and that in the execution of them it justifies a ruthless cruelty which would be condemned if our programme had a merely mundane origin. It is good to know that God is on our side, but a little confusing when you find the enemy equally convinced of the opposite. To quote the immortal lines of the poet during the First World War: Gott strafe England, and God save the King. God this, and God that, and God the other thing. 'Good God,' said God, 'I've got my work cut out.' |