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ラッセル「宗教は文明に有益な貢献をしたか?」n.3 (松下彰良・訳) - Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? 1930

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 けれども,キリスト教の最悪の特徴は,性に対する態度である-それはあまりにも病的かつあまりにも不自然であり,ローマ帝国が衰退しつつあった時代の文明世界の病いと関連させることによってのみ理解することができる。我々は,時々,キリスト教が女性の地位を改善(向上)させたという趣旨の話を聞くことがある。これは,なしうる限りの,最もひどい歴史の曲解の一つである。女性が極めて厳格な道徳律(倫理規則)を犯してはならないということはこの上もなく重大であると考えられている社会においては,女性は我慢できる地位を享受することができない。修道士たちは,本来女性誘惑者であると常に見なしてきた。即ち,彼らは,女性は主として不純な情欲をあおるものだと考えてきた。教会の教えは,童貞であること(virginity)は最善であるが,それが不可能な人々には結婚が許されるというのであったし,今なおそうである(注:大竹勝訳では,「処女は最善であり・・・」となっているが,前後関係からわかるようにここでは修道士のことを言っており,あきらかに「童貞であること」を指している。「ヴァージン=女性」という思い込みがあるためであろう。大竹氏はシラキュース大学卒で日本翻訳家協会会長をされていたが・・・?)聖パウロが粗野に表現しているように,「(情欲で)焼き焦がれるよりは,結婚したほうがよい」(という趣旨である)。結婚を解消できないものとし(注:カトリックの教義では離婚を認めていない。)性愛の技術(ars amandi)についてのすべての知識を根絶することによって,教会が認めた唯一の性の形 -快楽はほとんどなく,苦痛は大きくなければならないもの- を確保することに,教会は全力を尽くしたのである。事実,産児制限への反対も同じ動機を持っている。(即ち,)たとえ、女性(婦人)が,疲れきって死ぬまで,一年に一人(have a child a year ...)子供をもつ(産む)としても(注:if = even if),結婚生活から多くの喜びを引き出すことを想定するべきではなく,それゆえ,産児制限には反対しなければならない(とカトリック教会は考えるのである)(注:大竹訳『宗教は必要か』では,「もし女性が一年間、疲労して死ぬくらいなら、結婚生活からたいした悦びを得られないであろう。それだから,産児制限は奨励されてはならないというのである。」と,文法を無視した、論理的に意味不明の訳をしている。産児制限をしないで毎年子供を産めばどういうことになるか,常識的に想像がつきそうなものである。)

 Christianity and Sex

The worst feature of the Christian religion, however, is its attitude toward sex -- an attitude so morbid and so unnatural that it can be understood only when taken in relation to the sickness of the civilized world at the time the Roman Empire was decaying. We sometimes hear talk to the effect that Christianity improved the status of women. This is one of the grossest perversions of history that it is possible to make. Women cannot enjoy a tolerable position in society where it is considered of the utmost importance that they should not infringe a very rigid moral code. Monks have always regarded Woman primarily as the temptress; they have thought of her mainly as the inspirer of impure lusts. The teaching of the church has been, and still is, that virginity is best, but that for those who find this impossible marriage is permissible. "It is better to marry than to burn," as St. Paul brutally puts it. By making marriage indissoluble, and by stamping out all knowledge of the ars amandi, the church did what it could to secure that the only form of sex which it permitted should involve very little pleasure and a great deal of pain. The opposition to birth control has, in fact, the same motive: if a woman has a child a year until she dies worn out, it is not to be supposed that she will derive much pleasure from her married life; therefore birth control must be discouraged.

The conception of Sin which is bound up with Christian ethics is one that does an extraordinary amount of harm, since it affords people an outlet for their sadism which they believe to be legitimate, and even noble. Take, for example, the question of the prevention of syphilis. It is known that, by precautions taken in advance, the danger of contracting this disease can be made negligible. Christians, however, object to the dissemination of knowledge of this fact, since they hold it good that sinners should be punished. They hold this so good that they are even willing that punishment should extend to the wives and children of sinners. There are in the world at the present moment many thousands of children suffering from congenital syphilis who would never have been born but for the desire of Christians to see sinners punished. I cannot understand how doctrines leading us to this fiendish cruelty can be considered to have any good effects upon morals.

It is not only in regard to sexual behaviour but also in regard to knowledge on sex subjects that the attitude of Christians is dangerous to human welfare. Every person who has taken the trouble to study the question in an unbiased spirit knows that the artificial ignorance on sex subjects which orthodox Christians attempt to enforce upon the young is extremely dangerous to mental and physical health, and causes in those who pick up their knowledge by the way of "improper" talk, as most children do, an attitude that sex is in itself indecent and ridiculous. I do not think there can be any defense for the view that knowledge is ever undesirable. I should not put barriers in the way of the acquisition of knowledge by anybody at any age. But in the particular case of sex knowledge there are much weightier arguments in its favor than in the case of most other knowledge. A person is much less likely to act wisely when he is ignorant than when he is instructed, and it is ridiculous to give young people a sense of sin because they have a natural curiosity about an important matter.