
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 n018 - not A because B

★ not A because B [BだからといってAでない]


Men in whom ambition is the leading passion are likely to love women who assist them in their career, and it would be very shallow psychology to suppose that the love is not real because it has its instinctive root in self-interest.

Here, then, is the problem which we present to you, stark and dreadful and inescapable: Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war? People will not face this alternative because it is so difficult to abolish war.

We have allowed ourselves to be too much dominated by work and have not sufficiently used machines as a means of liberation from the thraldom of manual and mental labour. We could, if we chose, all have more leisure. We could, if we chose, educate our children so as to enable them to give artistic expression to their impulses, rather than so as to be convenient units in a regiment. We do not do this because we love power more than we love beauty.


I do not despise him because he is poorly dressed.

He didn't refuse it because he disliked it.
 出典:Kenkyusha's New College English-Japanese Dictionary, 6th ed.]