
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 l040 -lightning

★ lightning【(n) 雷;稲妻,雷光 || (adj.) 稲妻の(ような);非常に早い】

* lighting (照明)や lightening (明るくすること)とスペルを混同しないこと
* lightning conductor 避雷針


あるいは アマゾンで購入
Whereas, if after a long and virtuous life you happened to be struck by lightning at a moment when you were using bad language because you had broken a bootlace, you would inherit eternal torment.
[しかるに,長い有徳の生涯のあとで,靴ひもを引きちぎってしまったために悪い言葉(例:金竹小/ Oh, my God!)を使っている瞬間に稲妻に打たれたならば,永遠の責苦を受けることになる。

The manager, a gay and charming young man, had spent his leisure moments painting delicious but very artificial pictures on the walls. His especial pride was in two ships, a French one being struck by lightning and a Spanish one sailing on serenely.

On bright April days I would sometimes slip out of the house for a long walk before breakfast. I watched the sunset turn the earth red and the clouds golden; I listened to the wind, and exulted in the lightning.


The lightning flashed and then the thunder roared.

The tower has been struck by lightning.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]