スターリン批判 (松下彰良 訳)
私は,当時,BBC(英国放送協会)の種々の放送サービス(部門)のために,非常に多くの放送番組に出演していた。BBCは,スターリンの死に際し,私に番組出演を依頼して来た。私は,-スターリンは人間としてあり得る限り最も邪悪な存在であり,ロシア内に存するまたロシアによって脅威を与えられた,不幸と恐怖の大部分の悪の根源だと思っていたので- 出演依頼をとても嬉しく思い,放送番組でスターリンを非難し,彼が姿を消した(舞台から去った)ことを世界のために喜んだ。私は,BBCの放送コード(放送できる許容範囲)や品行方正さを忘れていた。それで,私の放送番組はついに放送されなかった。 |
v.3,chap.1: Return to England I thought the Russian blockade was foolish and was glad that it was unsuccessful owing to the skill of the British. At this time I was persona grata with the British Government because, though I was against nuclear war, I was also anti-Communist. Later I was brought around to being more favourable to Communism by the death of Stalin in 1953 and by the Bikini test in 1954; and I came gradually to attribute, more and more, the danger of nuclear war to the West, to the United States of America, and less to Russia. This change was supported by developments inside the United States, such as McCarthyism and the restriction of civil liberties. I was doing a great deal of broadcasting for the various services of the BBC and they asked me to do one at the time of Stalin's death. As I rejoiced mightily in that event, since I felt Stalin to be as wicked as one man could be and to be the root evil of most of the misery and terror in, and threatened by, Russia, I condemned him in my broadcast and rejoiced for the world in his departure from the scene. I forgot the BBC susceptibilities and respectabilities. My broadcast never went on the air. |