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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 自伝 第2巻第3章 - 船で中国に向かう(松下彰良 訳)- The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2

前ページ 次ページ v.2,chap.3 (China) 目次 Contents (総目次)

第2巻第3章 中国)

あるいは アマゾンで購入
 私たち(ラッセルとドーラ)は,ポルト(Portos)という名前のフランス汽船に乗って,マルセイユから中国まで船旅をした(注:1920年にサイゴン港からフランスに向けて出航する郵便船の写真。ラッセルが乗船したのはこれと同じかあるいは似たような船であると思われる)(しかし)ロンドンを離れる直前になって,同船で伝染病(ペスト)が発生したために,出航が3週間延期されるということがわかった。だが私たちは,お別れの言葉を二度言うようなことはしたくなかったのでパリに行き,そこで3週間を過ごした。このパリ滞在中に私は,ロシアに関する著書(The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism/邦訳書:河合秀和訳『ロシア共産主義』)を書き終えたそうして,大変躊躇した後,その本の出版を決意した。ボルシェヴィズム(ロシア共産主義)への反対意見を述べることは,当然のことながら,(ロシア革命に)反対する者(反動側)を利することであり,私の友人たちの大部分は,ロシアについてはロシア(革命)に好意的なものでない限り自分の考えを言ってはならない,という見方をしていた。けれども私は,第一次世界大戦期間中,愛国者たちからの同様の議論(注:自国がたとえ間違っていても,自国の誤りを指摘することは敵国を利することになる。大英帝国万歳!)に耐えた(という経験がある)し,長い目で見ると,沈黙を守ることによってはいかなる良い目的も達成されないだろうと,私には思われた。私とドーラとの個人的関係の問題は,当然のことながら,事態をいっそう複雑にしていた。ある暑い夏の夜,彼女が寝てしまってから私は起き上がり,ホテルの部屋のバルコニーに坐り,夜空の星を凝視した。私は,熱した党派的感情から離れて,冷静に問題を理解しようと努めた。そして,カシオペア座(Cassiopeia:北天に見られる星座で,ギリシア神話に登場するエチオピアの王妃カッシオペイアに由来)と語りあっている自分を想像した。私には,ボルシェヴィズム(ロシア共産主義)について私が考えていることを発表しないよりは発表する方がずっと星との調和を保てるだろうと思われた。そこで私は,執筆を続け,私たちがマルセイユに向かって出発する前夜にその本を書き終えた

We travelled to China from Marseilles in a French boat called Portos. Just before we left London, we learned that, owing to a case of plague on board, the sailing would be delayed for three weeks. We did not feel, however, that we could go through all the business of saying goodbye a second time, so we went to Paris and spent the three weeks there. During this time I finished my book on Russia, and decided, after much hesitation, that I would publish it. To say anything against Bolshevism was, of course, to play into the hands of reaction, and most of my friends took the view that one ought not to say what one thought about Russia unless what one thought was favourable. I had, however, been impervious to similar arguments from patriots during the War, and it seemed to me that in the long run no good purpose would be served by holding one's tongue. The matter was, of course, much complicated for me by the question of my personal relations with Dora. One hot summer night, after she had gone to sleep, I got up and sat on the balcony of our room and contemplated the stars. I tried to see the question without the heat of party passion and imagined myself holding a conversation with Cassiopeia. It seemed to me that I should be more in harmony with the stars if I published what I thought about Bolshevism than if I did not. So I went on with the work and finished the book on the night before we started for Marseilles.
The bulk of our time in Paris, however, was spent in a more frivolous manner, buying frocks suitable for the Red Sea, and the rest of the trousseau required for unofficial marriage. After a few days in Paris, all the appearance of estrangement which had existed between us ceased, and we became gay and light-hearted. There were, however, moments on the boat when things were difficult. I was sensitive because of the contempt that Dora had poured on my head for not liking Russia. I suggested to her that we had made a mistake in coming away together, and that the best way out would be to jump into the sea. This mood, however, which was largely induced by the heat, soon passed.
The voyage lasted five or six weeks, so that one got to know one's fellow-passengers pretty well. The French people mostly belonged to the official classes. They were much superior to the English, who were rubber planters and business men. There were rows between the English and the French, in which we had to act as mediators. On one cccasion the English asked me to give an address about Soviet Russia. In view of the sort of people that they were, I said only favourable things about the Soviet Government, so there was nearly a riot, and when we reached Shanghai our English fellow-passeagers sent a telegram to the Consulate General in Peking, urging that we should not be allowed to land. We consoled ourselves with the thought of what had befallen the ringleader among our enemies at Saigon. There was at Saigon an elephant whose keeper sold bananas which the visitors gave to the elephant. We each gave him a banana, and he made us a very elegant bow, but our enemy refused, whereupon the elephant squirted dirty water all over his immaculate clothes, which also the keeper had taught him to do. Perhaps our amusement at this incident did not increase his love of us.
(掲載日:2007.11.09 更新日:2011.9.6)