Bertrand Russell Quotes


What makes a creed effective in war is its negative aspect, that is to say, its hatred of those who do not adopt it. Without this hatred it serves no bellicose purpose. But as soon as it is used as a weapon of war, it is the hatred of unbelievers that becomes prominent. Consequently, when two faiths fight each other each develops its worst aspects, and even copies whatever it imagines to be effective in the faith that it is combating.
 Source:Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, part II: The Conflict of Passions, chapter 7: Religious Faith Cure Our Troubles ? n7
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  War is usually fought between nations (or allied nations) and other nations (or allied or axis nations), and when it occurs between major factions within a country, it is called a "civil war." Since losing a war can have disastrous consequences, even those who harbor resentment toward their government tend to cooperate with it once a war with a foreign nation begins.
It is desirable for a war to be concluded quickly, but if it drags on, the government must sustain the fighting spirit of the people. For this reason, all governments engage in wartime education and propaganda that differ from those in peacetime. In doing so, in order to make such education and propaganda more effective, hatred toward the enemy's citizens is often stirred up.
Today's "Words of Russell" concern conflicts and wars between those with different creeds, and Russell points out that in such battles, inciting hatred against those (or groups) who hold different beliefs plays a significant role.
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