私達は、選択次第で、皆もっと多くの余暇を持つことができます。また、私達が選べば ― 子供達を軍隊組織の便利な構成単位(歯車)にするためではなく ― 子供達の衝動に芸術的な表現を与えられるように教育することもできます。(それでも)私達がその選択をしないのは、美よりも権力を愛しているからです。
We could, if we chose, all have more leisure. We could, if we chose, educate our children so as to enable them to give artistic expression to their impulses, rather than so as to be convenient units in a regiment. We do not do this because we love power more than we love beauty..
Source: Bertrand Russell: In praise of artificiality (written in Nov. 9, 1931 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.
More info.: https://russell-j.com/ARTIFICI.HTM
Many people desire power because they believe it is necessary both for living a good life and for obtaining beautiful things. If they think they cannot hold power themselves, they seek to follow those who have power and try to acquire it indirectly. If this were not the case, politicians would not wield as much power as they do. Otherwise, it would be incomprehensible how someone like Trump, who is brimming with self-assertion and a strong desire for power, could have gained so much influence. If most people found Trump’s methods too forceful and distasteful, he would not hold the kind of power he currently has. Even if all Americans advocate for 'America First,' if people outside of America refuse to submit to the U.S., neither America nor Americans would be able to maintain their current level of power.
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