罪の意識(The sense of sin)や(責任感に基づく)罪悪感(The sense of guilt)は、支配したいという欲望と支配されたいという欲望という、相反しながらも相互に関連する一連の感情の一部である。ほとんどの人は両方の欲望を持っているが、人によっては一方が強く、他方が弱い場合がある。支配されたいという願望は、支配したいという願望と同じくらい深く、自発的なものである。何世紀にもわたり社会的不平等の体制が持続してきたのは、この両方の欲望が存在しているからこそである。
The sense of sin or guilt is part of a whole system of feelings which have to do with the correlative, though opposite, desires to dominate and to be dominated. Most people have both, though in some the one is stronger, and in others, the other. The wish to be dominated is quite as profound and spontaneous as the wish to dominate. It is only the existence of both that has made possible the persistence through many centuries of systems of social inequality.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, part II: The Conflict of Passions, chapter 4: Myth and Magic, n.11
More info.: https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-2_0411.htm
The desire to dominate and the desire to be dominated are part of a set of interrelated emotions. While many people possess a desire to dominate, in practice, only a minority hold positions of power, leaving the majority to be dominated. However, some among the dominated intuitively recognize this reality and seek to curry favor with those in power. By submitting to authority, they simultaneously satisfy their own desire to dominate by indirectly or secondarily exerting control over those with even less power, leveraging the authority of the powerful. As a result, the weak remain unprotected and unsupported..
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