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We all like to effect something, but so far as the love of power is concerned we do not care what we effect. Broadly speaking, the more difficult the achievement the more it pleases us. Men like fly-fishing, because it is difficult ; they will not shoot a bird sitting, because it is easy.
Source: Bertrand Russell: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2: Education of character, chap. 6: Constructiveness.
More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/OE06-010.HTM
「権力は必ず腐敗する」("Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.":アクトン卿の言葉)という格言がありますが、なぜ権力は腐敗するのか、ラッセルのこの発言で、その一端を理解することができそうです。エネルギーに溢れている人や権力志向の強い人には、他人に害を与えずに権力愛というエネルギーを発散できるものを用意してあげたほうがよさそうです。しかし、どんなものがあるでしょうか?
There is a saying that "Power corrupts."(note: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.") Russell's statement here seems to offer a glimpse into why that might be the case. For energetic individuals or those with a strong desire for power, it may be better to provide them with outlets to release their love of power in ways that do not harm others. But what kind of outlets could there be?
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#バートランド・ラッセル #Bertrand_Russell