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しかし、好戦的な性格を治すこの方法は実行不可能である。人類が生き残るべきであるなら --もしかすると人類の生存は望ましくないかも知れないが(注:皮肉半分冗談半分、他の動物にとっては人間は滅亡したほうがよいかも知れない)、興奮を愛する心を生み出す未使用の肉体的エネルギーの無邪気なはけ口を確保するために、他の手段を見つけなければならない。この問題は、道徳主義者にも社会改革者にも、あまりに考慮されてこなかった。
It is not altogether easy to decide what is the root cause of the love of excitement. ...
I used, when I was younger, to take my holidays walking. I would cover twenty-five miles a day, and when the evening came I had no need of anything to keep me from boredom, since the delight of sitting amply sufficed. ...
This cure for bellicosity is, however, impracticable, and if the human race is to survive - a thing which is, perhaps, undesirable - other means must be found for securing an innocent outlet for the unused physical energy that produces love of excitement. This is a matter which has been too little considered, both by moralists and by social reformers. ...
Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, part II: The Conflict of Passions, chapter 2: Politically important desires, n.10
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#バートランド・ラッセル #Bertrand_Russell