![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
Kant was never tired of pouring scorn on the view that the good consists of pleasure, or of anything else except virtue. And virtue consists in acting as the moral law enjoins, because that is what the moral law enjoins. A right action done from any other motive cannot count as virtuous. If you are kind to your brother because you are fond of him, you have no merit; but if you can hardly stand him and are nevertheless kind to him because the moral law says you should be, then you are the sort of person that Kant thinks you ought to be. But in spite of the total worthlessness of pleasure Kant thinks it unjust that the good should suffer, and on this ground alone holds that there is a future life in which they enjoy eternal bliss.
If he really believed what he thinks he believes, he would not regard heaven as a place where the good are happy, but as a place where they have never-ending opportunities of doing kindnesses to people whom they dislike.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, (1954), chapter 3
More info.:https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-0310.htm
添付画像の文字が見にくいかと思われますので、以下に転記しておきます。(David Hume は英国の有名な哲学者です。)
カント: Anything Hume can do, I can do better.
ラッセル:No, You Kant.
#バートランド・ラッセル #Bertrand_Russell