![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
Wyatt: 長生きして幸せになる方法について、人々が絶えず公表しているこれらの決まり文句(処方箋)をどう思いますか?
WYATT: What do you think of all these formulae that people are constantly issuing about how to live a long life and be happy?
RUSSELL: Well, as to how to live a longer life, that's a medical question and not one on which I should like to express an opinion. I get a great deal of literature from the advocates of these systems. They tell me that if only I took their drugs my hair would turn black again. I'm not sure that I should like that because I find that the whiter my hair becomes the more ready people are to believe what I say.
Source: Bertrand Russell Speaks His Mind, 1960, chapter 7: Happiness, p.80
More info.: Not available.
(1)「よく眠る人は長生きする」(前提): 国民の多くが睡眠をよくとるようになれば → 「(2)悪い奴ほどよく眠る」→ (3)必然的に悪人が増えていく?」
#バートランド・ラッセル #Bertrand_Russell