![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
The conclusion to which we are forced is that in the modern world nationalism is a grave evil and a source of appalling danger, and that if we are to escape disaster we must develop internationalism in the sphere to which it belongs; namely, that of economics, politics, and war. All the nations of the world, both great and small, have sinned in placing their own interest above that of the world at large. It is to be expected that they will continue to do so until such time as there are international Institutions strong enough to insist upon the decision of vexed questions in accordance with the general human welfare and not with the insolence of this or that particular region. Some may think this a distant hope, but it is the only one that offers a future to our distracted species.
Source: Bertrand Russell : Pros and Cons of Nationalism, 1937
Reprinted in: Fact and Fiction,
More info.: not available
#バートランド・ラッセル #Bertrand_Russell