バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Russell Quotes )



In the summer of 1939, John and Kate came to visit us for the period of the school holidays. A few days after they arrived the War broke out, and it became impossible to send them back to England. I had to provide for their further education at a moment's notice. John was seventeen, and I entered him at the University of California, but Kate was only fifteen, and this seemed young for the University. I made enquiries among friends as to which school in Los Angeles had the highest academic standard, and there was one that they all concurred in recommending, so I sent her there. But I found that there was only one subject taught that she did not already know, and that was the virtues of the capitalist system. I was therefore compelled, in spite of her youth, to send her to the University.
Source: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2,chap.3: China
More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB26-020.HTM

 添付した画像は、ラッセル、パトリシア、ジョン(1921年11月生)、ケイト(1923年12月29日生)の4人が1939年夏にヨセミテ渓谷に行った時のものです。ハイヤーを雇ったのでしょうか? 写真を撮してしる人がいるはずですから、そのように推察されます。(当時2歳のコンラッドはベビーシッターに預けたのだろうと思われます。)

#バートランド・ラッセル #Bertrand_Russell