![バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Russell Quotes )](r366g-j0503.png)
人類が人生について深刻な考察をめぐらし始めて以後,絶えず人は様々な逃避手段を探してきた。宗教,哲学,詩,歴史等々は全て,移りゆく事象に永続的な価値を与えようとする試みにほかならない。個人の記憶が存続する限りは,それが幾分かは時の(流れの)勝利を遅らせ,記念すべき出来事を少なくとも思い出の中で持続させる。この同じ衝動がいっそう押し進められると,諸国の王は戦勝記念の石碑を彫らせ,詩人たちは自分の名を不朽にするような美しい言葉で古代の悲話を歌い上げ,哲学者は時(間)は単なる幻影にすぎないと立証する体系をつくりだす。むなしい努力よ! 石碑は崩れ,詩人の言葉は解読不能となり,哲学者の体系は忘れられる。
Ever since men began to reflect deeply upon human life, they have sought various ways of escape: in religion, in philosophy, in poetry, in history - all of which attempt to give eternal value to what is transient. While personal memory persists, in some degree, it postpones the victory of time and gives persistence, at least in recollection, to the momentary event. The same impulse carried further causes kings to engrave their victories on monuments of stone, poets to relate old sorrows in words whose beauty (they hope) will make them immortal, and philosophers to invent systems providing that time is no more than illusion. Vain effort! The stone crumbles, the poet's words become unintelligible, and the philosopher's system are forgotten. Nonetheless, striving after eternity has ennobled the passing moment.
出典: On old friends (written in Jan. 4, 1933 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975