Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 |
The person who has learnt no higher morality than what is called 'co-operation' will join in the stampede since he will possess no inner force that would enable him to stand up against the herd. The psychology of a nation embarking on a war is at all points identical.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Of co-operation (written in May 18, 1932 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.
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People instinctively feel safer if they belong to the majority. The opinion of the majority will often be right, but there have been many instances in history where it was later found out that it was not right. However, many people believe that if they belong to the majority, they can forgive themselves if they later find out that they were wrong, because ‘many people were wrong’.
How many people realise that progress is made when the majority opinion is rejected and the minority opinion becomes the majority?
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