Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

1950, beginning with the OM and ending with the Nobel Prize, seems to have marked the apogee of my respectability. It is true that I began to feel slightly uneasy, fearing that this might mean the onset of blind orthodoxy. I have always held that no one can be respectable without being wicked, but ... .
 Source: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3 chap. 1: Return to England, 1969
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The Order of Merit was awarded in June 1949. Russell is not misremembering, here he is saying that the aftermath of the award of the Order of Merit lasted as long as 1950.  The Japanese are probably not alone in this, but many people, once they hold high positions, tend to become conservative and defend the existing system. And even those who have overthrown the old regime and created a new one, in turn, tend to defend their position indefinitely and before long fall into the conservative establishment camp.
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