Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

But, although there are some differences between different people as to the things that cause them to feel satisfaction, there is a very large measure of agreement, particularly where the simpler goods are concerned. Everybody requires the conditions of life and health, and most people require the conditions of biological survival. There have been ascetics who were happy, or said they were happy, with insufficient food and drink and shelter and clothing, but such men are rare, and statistically they may be ignored. Most people need for their happiness, in addition to the material conditions of life, a certain amount of friendly companionship, a certain minimum of security, and a sense of integration in some herd. All these needs are so nearly universal that politics can ignore the few who can dispense with them. All these needs are at present very unevenly distributed.
Source: Bertrand Russell: chapter 11: Production and Distribution, n.2
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* a brief comment (Translated with
We all (most of us) sympathise with needy households when they are reported in the press. However, that sympathy quickly dissipates when we watch a food programme or another, more interesting topic. That can't be helped, but what is important (and necessary) is to consciously think about the less fortunate people around the world from time to time, and to try to do the least you can.  Russell's next words are suggestive. (The argument is that sensitivity, intelligence and courage are all important.)

Sensitiveness would make people wish to abolish it, intelligence would show them the way, and courage would lead them to adopt it. (A timid person would rather remain miserable than do anything unusual.)
Source: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 2: The Aims of Education
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By the way, Russell said, "Everyone needs conditions for life and health, and most people need biological conditions for survival." I was caught off guard when he stated. I wondered if 'biological survival conditions' were also necessary for all people, and when I interacted with ChatGPT, the following response convinced me of Russell's intentions.

'To understand why Russell used the different phrases 'most people' and 'all people', we need to consider what he was trying to convey.

Conditions for life and health: these refer to the conditions people need to lead healthy and fulfilling lives, such as food, water, shelter and medical care. These are more than basic survival; they are necessary for everyone.

Biological survival conditions: these refer strictly to the minimum conditions required to continue living as an organism. Russell says that for 'most people' this is necessary, recognising that some people, such as ascetics and practitioners, can live under very limited conditions. These people are considered to be able to live on minimal food and shelter."