Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366
But a man who acquires a fortune by cruelty and exploitation should be regarded as at present we regard what is called an 'immoral' man; and he should be so regarded even if he goes to church regularly and gives a portion of his ill-gotten gains to public objects.
Source: Bertrand Russell: The Harm That Good Men Do,1926
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* a brief comment (Translated with
It seems that many people think that people with a strong (pious) faith are ‘good people’ on that basis alone. Also, people have a favourable impression just because the name ‘Peace Foundation’ is attached, such as "XX Peace Foundation", and few people suspect that the ‘Peace Foundation’ might be used as a ‘front’ to gain illicit profits.
The Unification Church was also rarely seen as a problem until the actual situation was exposed. A little more skeptical would not have liked the close relationship between the Unification Church and LDP members. Considering the close relationship between Prime Minister Abe's grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi (deceased), and the Unification Church's founder, they would have been concerned about Prime Minister Abe's (then) close relationship with the Unification Church. Translated with (free version)