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★ in the way of / in one's way [stopping somebody from moving or doing something/〜のじゃまをして;〜の点で]
As soon as I realised that I was intelligent, I determined to achieve something of intellectual importance if it should be at all possible, and throughout my youth I let nothing whatever stand in the way of of this ambition.

I believe this to be a complete delusion born of terror. And I think it is a dangerous delusion because it misleads men whose thinking might otherwise be fruitful and thus stands in the way of a valid solution.
(出典:Bertrand Russell Open Mind and Open Heart 」)]

His pride stood in the way of success.

A fallen tree was in the way of the bus.

You'll have to move. - you're in my way.
 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]