Bertrand Russell in Japan - from July 17 to 31 July, 1921 (来日したバートランド・ラッセル-泊まったホテルの写真、講演した慶應大学大講堂、改造社等)
- Tor Hotel, Kobe, July 17th, 1921.
- Osaka Hotel, Osaka, July 18th, 1921.
- Yokohama Grand Hotel where Russell stayed on July 24th, 1921.
- Bertrand Russell in Japan, 1921.
n.1 / n.2 () / n.3 (B. R. and Kagawa Toyohiko) / n.4 (B. R. in Yokohama station n.1) / n.4 (B. R. in Yokohama station n.2) - Daikodo(=Large hall) where B. Russell delivered a lecture in July 28, 1921.