
ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル『ヒューマン・ソサエティ-倫理学から政治学へ』第2部[「情熱の葛藤」- 第2章- Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, Part II, chapter 4

* 原著:Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954
* 邦訳書:バートランド・ラッセル(著),勝部真長・長谷川鑛平(共訳)『ヒューマン・ソサエティ-倫理学から政治学へ』(玉川大学出版部,1981年7月刊。268+x pp.)

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『ヒューマン・ソサエティ』第2部「情熱の葛藤」- 第4章「神話と魔力」n.3

Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, part II: The Conflict of Passions, chapter 4: Myth and Magic, n.3








Imagination in itself does not involve belief. Poets do not suppose that their fictions have reality.

And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen
Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.

But as Shakespeare immediately goes on to point out, imagination which is sufficiently vivid induces belief in the thing imagined:

Such tricks hath strong imagination,
That, if it would but apprehend some joy,
It comprehends some bringer of that joy;
Or in the night, imagining some fear,
How easy is a bush supposed a bear!

One may perhaps conjecture that the hold which imagination has had on men’s beliefs began through dreams. Dreams are sometimes so vivid and so apparently weighted with portent that even scientifically trained minds may find it difficult to shake them off and to reject their apparent significance in regard to things to come. In antiquity hardly anybody doubted their importance as omens, and many among ourselves, while not consciously accepting this ancient superstition, may find that we are oppressed throughout a whole day by the sombre weight of some unusually horrible nightmare. Freud has popularized the theory that dreams give expression to our wishes. No doubt this is true of a percentage of dreams, but I think dreams are just as apt to give expression to our fears. Freud avoids this conclusion by reflexions which seem to me unduly cynical. He thinks that if you dream that your dearest friend is dead, that shows that you really hate him and would like him to be dead. This seems to me nonsense, and I think it is even more obviously absurd to suppose that wishes inspire dreams in which oneself is subjected to torture. This matter is not unimportant, for it is out of the realm of dreams, and the cognate realm of daydreams, that men have fashioned the vast systems of magic and ritual and myth and religion which have influenced human life at least as profoundly as the skills and observations out of which scientific knowledge has grown. Almost without exception, these systems, from voodoo to Calvinist theology, have been inspired more by fear than by any other one motive, and although wish-fulfilment has played its part in showing how to avoid what is feared, the fear itself has been to a very great degree the product of imagination.