
バートランド・ラッセル『ヒューマン・ソサエティ-倫理学から政治学へ』7-11 - Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954

* 原著:Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954
* 邦訳書:バートランド・ラッセル(著),勝部真長・長谷川鑛平(共訳)『ヒューマン・ソサエティ-倫理学から政治学へ』(玉川大学出版部,1981年7月刊。268+x pp.)

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『ヒューマン・ソサエティ』第7章:罪 n.11

Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, chapter 7: Sin, n.11




The conception of "sin" is closely connected with the belief in free will, for, if our actions are determined by causes over which we have no control, retributive punishment can have no justification. I think the ethical importance of free will is sometimes exaggerated, but it cannot be denied that the question is relevant in relation to "sin", and something must therefore be said about it.

"Free will" must be taken to mean that a volition is not always, or not necessarily, the result of previous causes. But the word “cause” has not as clear a meaning as could be wished. The first step towards clarity is to substitute "causal law" for "cause". We shall say that an event is "determined" by previous events if there is a law by means of which it can be inferred if a sufficient number of previous events are known. We can predict the movements of the planets because they follow from the law of gravitation. Sometimes human actions are equally predictable: it may be that Mr. So-and-So, on meeting a stranger, never fails to mention his acquaintance with Lord Such-and-such. But as a general rule we are not able to predict with any accuracy what people will do. This may be only from inadequate knowledge of the relevant laws, or it may be because there are no laws that invariably connect a man’s actions with his past and present circumstances. The latter possibility, which is that of free will, is always unhesitatingly rejected except when people are thinking about the free-will problem. No one says: It is useless to punish theft, because perhaps people henceforth will like punishment. No one says: It is useless to address a letter, because the postman, having free will, may decide to deliver it somewhere else. No one says: It is useless to offer wages for work that you wish done, because people may prefer starvation. If free will were common, all social organization would be impossible, since there would be no way of influencing men’s actions.

While, therefore, as a philosopher I hold the principle of universal causation to be open to question, as a common-sense individual I hold that it is an indispensable postulate in the conduct of affairs. For practical purposes we must assume that our volitions have causes, and our ethics must be compatible with this assumption.