
バートランド・ラッセル『ヒューマン・ソサエティ-倫理学から政治学へ』- Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954

* 原著:Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954
* 邦訳書:バートランド・ラッセル(著),勝部真長・長谷川鑛平(共訳)『ヒューマン・ソサエティ-倫理学から政治学へ』(玉川大学出版部,1981年7月刊。268+x pp.)

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第4章:善(善い)と悪(悪い) n.16

Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, chapter 4: Good and Bad, n.16

But when desires are considered as means the matter is quite otherwise. Some pairs of desires are compatible, some incompatible. If a man and woman desire to marry each other, both can be satisfied; but if two men desire to marry the same woman, one at least must be disappointed. If two partners both desire the prosperity of their firm, both can achieve the result; but if two rivals each desire to be richer than the other, one of them must fail. What applies to two desires applies equally to groups of desires. Borrowing a term from Leibniz, I call a number of desires "compossible" when all can be satisfied by the same state of affairs ; when they are not compossible, I call them incompatible. When a nation is at war, the desires of all its citizens for victory are mutually compossible, but they are incompatible with the opposite desires of the enemy. The desires of those who feel benevolently to each other are compossible, but those who feel reciprocal malevolence have desires that are incompatible.