

 出典: ラッセル『アメリカン・エッセイ集』の中の「正義と武力(」

But you cannot say, with any semblance of logic, that you are against war but in favour of the present system, according to which, in a dispute, every government is the ultimate judge in its own case. If war is ever abolished, it will have to be by the establishment of an international government possessed of irresistible armed forces. And if war is not abolished, civilization cannot survive. This is a painful dilemma for those whose patriotic feelings are stronger than their reasoning powers, but if it is not apprehended intellectually it will be disastrously proved by the march of events.

Source: The decay of meditation, Nov. 7, 1931, in Mortals and Others;Bertrand Russell's American Essays 1931-1935, v.1, 1975
More Info.:https://russell-j.com/SEIGI.HTM
