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バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 y007 - yoga

★ yoga [(n) ヨガ(観行相応理の義);ヨガの行;瑜伽派(ゆがは:インド六派哲学のひとつ)]


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As a matter of fact, there is a definite physical discipline, called yoga, which is practised in order to produce the mystic’s certainty, and which is recommended with much confidence by those who have tried it.

* As regards yoga in China, see Waley, The Way and its Power.
[* 原注:中国におけるヨガについてはアーサ・ウェイリー(著) The Way and its Power, pp. 117-118 を参照]

In order to see how we could test the assertion that yoga gives insight, let us artificially simplify this assertion.
[ヨガは洞察力を与えるという主張をいかにして験証できるか理解するために,その主張(assertion 断言)を人為的に単純化してみよう。]

I rather doubt whether the attempt to live upon this sum would increase my efficiency as a propagandist; for even if by the practice of Yoga I learned to live without food, I should still not be able to pay for the paper, ink, and pen required in producing books.


do yoga

Yoga is a Hindu philosophy which teaches control of the mind, sense, and body in order to reach union with God.
  出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.

Yoga is a good discipline for learning to relax.
 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.