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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


バートランド・ラッセル「社会主義者は高級な葉巻きを吸うべきか」(1932.11.30)(松下彰良 訳)

* 原著:Should socialists smoke good cigar? by Bertrand Russell
* Source: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975


* 改訳しました。(2011.3.4)

*(2005.03.051 掲載)


なんらかの点で,通常とは異なる見解を抱く者は,普通の人々が悩まない倫理的問題に直面することが多い。独自の見解を持つ者は,自分の良心の命ずるままにまかせられたら,この種の問題解決のための簡潔な方法を見つけ出すだろうが,彼は常に「ああ,あなたはそうすべきではないと,私は考えたい」と言う'親切な'友人との議論にまきこまれる。自分と考えが違う人々によって何がなされるべきかという点に関する平均的な人間の見解には,非常に多くの思考の混乱がある。このエッセイ(記事)の見出しとして置いた問い(社会主義者は高級な葉巻き(葉巻煙草)をすうべきか?)も,1つの事例として役立つだろう(注:cigar は葉巻煙草,cigarette は紙巻煙草)。白状したほうがよいが,私自身この問題に関して実践していることは,いかなる高貴な倫理的原理によっているわけではない。私はめったに高級な葉巻きをすわないが,しかしそれは,経済的な余裕がないためにすぎない。従って,他人がくれる場合には決して拒絶しない。社会正義の唱道者(であるラッセル)にしては,このような対応方法は単純であたりまえすぎないか,と多くの人は考えるだろう。彼らは私に対し,多分次のように言うだろう。

The man whose opinions are in any way unusual is frequently confronted by moral problems which do not trouble other people. If he were left to the dictates of his own conscience he might find summary ways of dealing with such questions, but he is constantly launched upon arguments with kind friends who say, 'Oh, I should have thought you ought not to do that.' There is a great deal of confusion of thought in the average man's view as to what ought to be done by people whose opinions differ from his own. The question that I have put at the head of this article may serve as an example. My own practice in this matter, I may as well confess, is not guided by any lofty ethical principle. I seldom smoke good cigars, but that is because I cannot afford them; I never refuse one that is offered to me. Many people would find this procedure too simple and natural for an advocate of social justice. They will say to me:
'If you believe that the world's goods ought to be divided equally among the world's inhabitants, what justification can you have for taking more than your share?'
If I took this argument seriously, I should have to estimate the total income of the world and divide it by the total number of inhabitants, and whatever might be the answer to this sum I should have to say,
'This is going to content me; anything above this I will give away.'
There are, however, several points to be considered before adopting this somewhat drastic resolution. The peasants of India and China form about half the population of the world and have an income of about £ 1(1 pound) a year; many of the natives of Africa have even less. I doubt, therefore, whether the present average income per head throughout the world is more than about £ 5 a year. I rather doubt whether the attempt to live upon this sum would increase my efficiency as a propagandist; for even if by the practice of Yoga I learned to live without food, I should still not be able to pay for the paper, ink, and pen required in producing books. Perhaps I am mistaken in this; it may be that there is room for a modern Diogenes. Perhaps if I lived in a tub, the stunt would cause me to be interviewed by all persons passing by, and it may be that in the end I should convert all with whom I spoke, though I rather doubt it. Even so, my success as a modern Diogenes would depend on my not having imitators. If socialists took to living in the deserts like early Christian hermits, they would cease to be interesting and would lose all influence upon the course of events.
The man who desires to convert others to his opinions has two courses open to him. He may make spectacular appeals to the emotions by announcing the intention of starving himself to death or, as one of the suffragettes did, by perishing beneath the hoofs of the horses at the Derby. This method can be used for the advocacy of any opinion, no matter what. But if an opinion has solid intellectual reasons in its favour, it is possible to adopt an intellectual method of propaganda. Galileo persuaded mankind that the earth goes round the sun just as effectually as he would have done if he had made himself a martyr to the Inquisition. On the whole, the man who has an intellectually good case is well advised to make an intellectual appeal since the outcome is a more stable belief than any to be obtained by mere emotionalism.
To take a quite different point, the socialist should not appear to advocate a world in which the present wealth is evenly divided. It is an essential part of his case that by a more sensible organisation, the wealth of the world could be enormously increased. In the socialist millennium we shall all be able to enjoy a good cigar now and then.