
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 u035 - untenable

★ untenable【 (adj.) (攻撃・非難を)支えきれない、防御できない;(議論など)擁護できない】

* 語源: un-(否定)+ ten(伸ばす)+ -able(できる、しうる)→ 手を伸ばしてつかみ続けられないような → 耐えられない、支持できない


He has a theory - in part mathematically untenable, but broadly on the lines of subsequent investigations - that the nebulae, the galaxy, the stars, planets, and satellites, all resulted from condensation of an originally diffuse matter about regions in which it happened to have somewhat more density than elsewhere. .

I will admit at once that there are difficulties in explaining how we acquire knowledge that transcends experience, but I think the view that we have no such knowledge is utterly untenable.

In the chapter on "Classification" in his Logic, he speaks of "natural kinds" in an entirely pre-Darwinian fashion, and even suggests that the recognized species of animals and plants are infimae species in the scholastic sense, although Darwin's book on the Origin of Species proved this view to be untenable.
[彼(J. S. Mill)の『論理学』の「分類について」という章の中で,彼は全くダーウィン以前のやり方で「自然種」について語っているが,ダーウィンの種の起源に関する本が,この立場は支持できないことを証明したのに,知られている動植物の種はスコラ哲学的な意味における「最低種」(注:infamae species)であるという意見をさえ述べている。]


untenable views
 出典:『究極の英単語 v.4_超上級の3000語』p.480

The Prime Minister is now in a completely untenable position, and must resign..
 出典:Logman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.

This argument is untenable from on intellectual, moral and practical standpoint.
 出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.