
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 t017 - take in

★ take in [だます;理解する;(新聞などを)取る]


あるいは アマゾンで購入
The average man desires the respect of his colleagues, of his wife and children (if possible), and of his underlings. He hopes that his business associates do not consider him a simple fellow whom anybody could take in. He takes pains not to realise how well his wife knows him.

It is commonly said that children do not distinguish between pretense and reality, but I see very little reason to believe this. We do not believe that Hamlet ever existed, but we should be annoyed by a man who kept reminding us of this while we were enjoying the play. So children are annoyed by a tactless reminder of reality, but are not in the least taken in by their own make-believe.

I realised that most of the already informed people who read my book would read it with a bias so strong that they would take in only what they wished to take in.


She was taken in by his manners. / I could hardly take in the meaning of his words. /
We take in in the "Asahi".

[彼女は彼の態度にだまされた。 /私は彼の言葉がほとんど理解できなかった。/ 我が家では朝日新聞をとっている。

It took me a long time take in what you were saying.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

I'm beginning to take in how difficult this is. / She told the lie so well that I was easily taken in.
 出典:Kenkyusha's New College English-Japanese Dictionary, 6th ed.]